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Por qué algunas personas terminan viviendo en aeropuertos durante semanas, meses e incluso años

Es posible vivir en aeropuertos porque ofrecen muchas comodidades básicas necesarias: comida, agua, baños y refugio. Pero no todos los que se encuentran durmiendo en una terminal quieren estar allí.



Mehran Karimi Nasseri, refugiado iraní, en el aeropuerto Paris-Charles de Gualle, donde vivio durante 18 años. Nasseri supuestamente inspiró la película 'La Terminal' (2004), protagonizada por Tom Hanks. Eric Fougere/VIP Images/Corbis via Getty Images

Las autoridades locales de Chicago arrestaron en enero a un hombre de 36 años llamado Aditya Singh que llevaba tres meses viviendo en el Aeropuerto Internacional O'Hare. Para sobrevivir se amparaba en la amabilidad de extraños para comprarle comida, dormía en los asientos de las terminales y utilizaba los baños de las instalaciones. Hasta que un empleado del aeropuerto le pidió su identificación y todo terminó.

Singh, sin embargo, no es, ni de lejos, el primero en lograr alojarse en un aeropuerto por un tiempo prolongado. Tras más de dos décadas estudiando la historia de los aeropuertos, descubrí que ha habido personas que han logrado establecerse en terminales durante semanas, meses e incluso años.

Sin embargo, no todos los que se encuentran viviendo en un aeropuerto lo hacen por voluntad propia.

Mezclarme con la multitud

Ya sea en videojuegos como Airport City o en asuntos como urbanismo aeroportuario, a menudo observo que los aeropuertos son como miniciudades. Los aeropuertos no solo tienen aviones: disponen de lugares de culto, vigilancia, hoteles, buenos restaurantes, tiendas y transporte público.

Pero si los aeropuertos son ciudades, son bastante extrañas, ya que los que dirigen estas instalaciones prefieren que nadie se establezca allí.

No obstante, es posible vivir en aeropuertos porque ofrecen muchas de las comodidades básicas necesarias para la supervivencia: comida, agua, baños y refugio. Y aunque las operaciones del aeropuerto no funcionan necesariamente las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana, las terminales suelen abrir muy temprano y permanecen abiertas hasta muy tarde.

Algunos son tan grandes que aquellos que están decididos a quedarse – como el hombre de O'Hare – pueden encontrar formas de evitar que los detecten durante bastante tiempo.

Una de las maneras de camuflarse es mezclarse entre la multitud. Antes de la pandemia, los aeropuertos de EEUU movían entre 1,5 y 2,5 millones de pasajeros en un día cualquiera.

Desde el inicio de la pandemia las cifras se han reducido drásticamente, cayendo por debajo de 100.000 pasajeros durante las primeras semanas de la crisis, en la primavera de 2020. El hombre que vivió en O'Hare durante poco más de tres meses llegó a mediados de octubre de 2020 como pasajero, en un momento en que los números estaban experimentando un repunte.

Fue descubierto y detenido solo a finales de enero de 2021 – justo cuando el número de viajeros disminuyó considerablemente después de los picos de viajes de vacaciones y durante el resurgimiento del coronavirus.

Viviendo en el limbo

Por supuesto que no todos los que se encuentran durmiendo en una terminal quieren necesariamente estar allí.

Viaja en avión lo suficiente y lo más probable es que, en un momento u otro, te encuentres en la categoría de residente a corto plazo involuntario de un aeropuerto.

Aunque algunas personas pueden reservar vuelos que requieren pernoctar en la terminal, otras pueden quedarse varadas si han perdido un vuelo o se ha cancelado por el mal tiempo. Sin embargo, nadie suele pasar más de uno o dos días en la ciudad de origen si se sucede alguna de estas circustancias.

A man sleeps on chairs in an airport.
Los aeropuertos no cuentan con camas, pero dormir, se puede dormir. Boris Roessler/picture alliance via Getty Images

Luego están aquellos que, sin saberlo, van a pasar mucho tiempo en el aeropuerto. Quizás el residente involuntario más famoso fue Mehran Karimi Nasseri, cuya historia supuestamente inspiró la película The Terminal, dirigida por Steven Spielberg y protagonizada por Tom Hanks en 2004.

Nasseri, refugiado iraní, se dirigía a Inglaterra a través de Bélgica y Francia en 1988 cuando perdió los documentos que verificaban su condición de refugiado. Sin sus papeles, no podía subirse a su avión con destino a Inglaterra. Tampoco se le permitió salir del aeropuerto París-Charles de Gaulle y entrar en Francia.

Su caso comenzó a rebotar entre los funcionarios de Inglaterra, Francia y Bélgica hasta que las autoridades francesas se ofrecieron a permitirle residir en Francia. Pero Nasseri rechazó la oferta, supuestamente porque quería llegar a su destino original, Inglaterra. Y así se quedó en el aeropuerto Charles de Gaulle durante casi 18 años. Se fue en 2006, cuando tuvo que ser hospitalizado por problemas de salud.

Edward Snowden, exespía estadounidense exiliado en Rusia tras filtrar en 2013 documentos secretos, pasó más de un mes en un aeropuerto ruso antes de recibir asilo.

El empresario británico Sanjay Shah intentó entrar en el Reino Unido con un pasaporte de ciudadano británico de ultramar, pero se le prohibió la entrada cuando quedó claro que tenía la intención de emigrar a Inglaterra, no simplemente quedarse allí los pocos meses que le permitía su tipo de documentación. Enviado de regreso a Kenia, Shah temió salir del aeropuerto, ya que ya había renunciado a su ciudadanía keniana. Finalmente pudo irse después de pasar poco más de un año en el aeropuerto de cuando los funcionarios británicos le otorgaron la ciudadanía completa.

La pandemia de coronavirus ha creado nuevos residentes involuntarios a largo plazo en aeropuertos. Un estonio llamado Roman Trofimov llegó al Aeropuerto Internacional de Manila en un vuelo desde Bangkok el 20 de marzo de 2020.

En el momento de su llegada, las autoridades filipinas habían dejado de emitir visas de entrada para limitar la propagación del COVID-19. Trofimov pasó más de 100 días entre las terminales hasta que el personal de la embajada de Estonia finalmente pudo conseguirle un asiento en un vuelo de repatriación.

Los vagabundos encuentran refugio

Aunque la mayoría de los residentes involuntarios de los aeropuertos marcharse, hay algunos que han intentado quedarse a largo plazo. Los principales aeropuertos de Estados Unidos y Europa han funcionado durante mucho tiempo – aunque en gran medida de manera informal – como refugios.

Muchos analistas ven la década de 1980 como un punto de inflexión en estas historias, ya que muchos factores, incluidos los recortes presupuestarios federales, la desinstitucionalización de los enfermos mentales y la gentrificación, provocaron un aumento de personas sin hogar. En esa década se establecen los primeros refugiados en aeropuertos del país.

En 1986, por ejemplo, el periódico Chicago Tribune escribió sobre Fred Dilsner, un excontable de 44 años que había estado viviendo en O'Hare, Chicago, durante un año. El artículo señalaba que personas sin hogar habían comenzado a aparecer en el aeropuerto en 1984, tras la finalización del enlace de tren de la Autoridad de Tránsito de Chicago, que brindaba un acceso fácil y económico.

El diario informó que de 30 a 50 personas vivían en el aeropuerto y que los funcionarios esperaban que la cifra se elevabara hasta 200 a medida que se adentraran en el invierno.

Este problema ha persistido hasta el siglo XXI. Varias historias de 2018 revelaron que hubo un aumento significativo en el número de personas sin hogar que se mudaron a aeropuertos del país en los últimos años, incluidas en el Aeropuerto Internacional Hartsfield-Jackson de Atlanta y en el Aeropuerto Internacional Thurgood Marshall de Baltimore / Washington.

La pandemia de coronavirus suma una preocupación adicional de salud pública para este grupo de personas que viven en aeropuertos.

Los trabajadores de estas instalaciones han intentado brindarles ayuda. En el Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Ángeles, por ejemplo, los funcionarios han desplegado equipos de intervención de crisis para conectar a las personas sin hogar servicios de ayuda social y vivienda.

Pero también está claro que la mayoría de los funcionarios del aeropuerto preferirían una solución más drástica en la que los aeropuertos ya no funcionen como refugios para personas sin hogar.

Este artículo fue traducido por Telemundo.

Janet Bednarek does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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Analyst reviews Apple stock price target amid challenges

Here’s what could happen to Apple shares next.



They said it was bound to happen.

It was Jan. 11, 2024 when software giant Microsoft  (MSFT)  briefly passed Apple  (AAPL)  as the most valuable company in the world.

Microsoft's stock closed 0.5% higher, giving it a market valuation of $2.859 trillion. 

It rose as much as 2% during the session and the company was briefly worth $2.903 trillion. Apple closed 0.3% lower, giving the company a market capitalization of $2.886 trillion. 

"It was inevitable that Microsoft would overtake Apple since Microsoft is growing faster and has more to benefit from the generative AI revolution," D.A. Davidson analyst Gil Luria said at the time, according to Reuters.

The two tech titans have jostled for top spot over the years and Microsoft was ahead at last check, with a market cap of $3.085 trillion, compared with Apple's value of $2.684 trillion.

Analysts noted that Apple had been dealing with weakening demand, including for the iPhone, the company’s main source of revenue. 

Demand in China, a major market, has slumped as the country's economy makes a slow recovery from the pandemic and competition from Huawei.

Sales in China of Apple's iPhone fell by 24% in the first six weeks of 2024 compared with a year earlier, according to research firm Counterpoint, as the company contended with stiff competition from a resurgent Huawei "while getting squeezed in the middle on aggressive pricing from the likes of OPPO, vivo and Xiaomi," said senior Analyst Mengmeng Zhang.

“Although the iPhone 15 is a great device, it has no significant upgrades from the previous version, so consumers feel fine holding on to the older-generation iPhones for now," he said.

A man scrolling through Netflix on an Apple iPad Pro. Photo by Phil Barker/Future Publishing via Getty Images.

Future Publishing/Getty Images

Big plans for China

Counterpoint said that the first six weeks of 2023 saw abnormally high numbers with significant unit sales being deferred from December 2022 due to production issues.

Apple is planning to open its eighth store in Shanghai – and its 47th across China – on March 21.

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The company also plans to expand its research centre in Shanghai to support all of its product lines and open a new lab in southern tech hub Shenzhen later this year, according to the South China Morning Post.

Meanwhile, over in Europe, Apple announced changes to comply with the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA), which went into effect last week, Reuters reported on March 12.

Beginning this spring, software developers operating in Europe will be able to distribute apps to EU customers directly from their own websites instead of through the App Store.

"To reflect the DMA’s changes, users in the EU can install apps from alternative app marketplaces in iOS 17.4 and later," Apple said on its website, referring to the software platform that runs iPhones and iPads. 

"Users will be able to download an alternative marketplace app from the marketplace developer’s website," the company said.

Apple has also said it will appeal a $2 billion EU antitrust fine for thwarting competition from Spotify  (SPOT)  and other music streaming rivals via restrictions on the App Store.

The company's shares have suffered amid all this upheaval, but some analysts still see good things in Apple's future.

Bank of America Securities confirmed its positive stance on Apple, maintaining a buy rating with a steady price target of $225, according to

The firm's analysis highlighted Apple's pricing strategy evolution since the introduction of the first iPhone in 2007, with initial prices set at $499 for the 4GB model and $599 for the 8GB model.

BofA said that Apple has consistently launched new iPhone models, including the Pro/Pro Max versions, to target the premium market. 

Analyst says Apple selloff 'overdone'

Concurrently, prices for previous models are typically reduced by about $100 with each new release. 

This strategy, coupled with installment plans from Apple and carriers, has contributed to the iPhone's installed base reaching a record 1.2 billion in 2023, the firm said.

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Apple has effectively shifted its sales mix toward higher-value units despite experiencing slower unit sales, BofA said.

This trend is expected to persist and could help mitigate potential unit sales weaknesses, particularly in China. 

BofA also noted Apple's dominance in the high-end market, maintaining a market share of over 90% in the $1,000 and above price band for the past three years.

The firm also cited the anticipation of a multi-year iPhone cycle propelled by next-generation AI technology, robust services growth, and the potential for margin expansion.

On Monday, Evercore ISI analysts said they believed that the sell-off in the iPhone maker’s shares may be “overdone.”

The firm said that investors' growing preference for AI-focused stocks like Nvidia  (NVDA)  has led to a reallocation of funds away from Apple. 

In addition, Evercore said concerns over weakening demand in China, where Apple may be losing market share in the smartphone segment, have affected investor sentiment.

And then ongoing regulatory issues continue to have an impact on investor confidence in the world's second-biggest company.

“We think the sell-off is rather overdone, while we suspect there is strong valuation support at current levels to down 10%, there are three distinct drivers that could unlock upside on the stock from here – a) Cap allocation, b) AI inferencing, and c) Risk-off/defensive shift," the firm said in a research note.

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Major typhoid fever surveillance study in sub-Saharan Africa indicates need for the introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccines in endemic countries

There is a high burden of typhoid fever in sub-Saharan African countries, according to a new study published today in The Lancet Global Health. This high…



There is a high burden of typhoid fever in sub-Saharan African countries, according to a new study published today in The Lancet Global Health. This high burden combined with the threat of typhoid strains resistant to antibiotic treatment calls for stronger prevention strategies, including the use and implementation of typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs) in endemic settings along with improvements in access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Credit: IVI

There is a high burden of typhoid fever in sub-Saharan African countries, according to a new study published today in The Lancet Global Health. This high burden combined with the threat of typhoid strains resistant to antibiotic treatment calls for stronger prevention strategies, including the use and implementation of typhoid conjugate vaccines (TCVs) in endemic settings along with improvements in access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene.


The findings from this 4-year study, the Severe Typhoid in Africa (SETA) program, offers new typhoid fever burden estimates from six countries: Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Ghana, Madagascar, and Nigeria, with four countries recording more than 100 cases for every 100,000 person-years of observation, which is considered a high burden. The highest incidence of typhoid was found in DRC with 315 cases per 100,000 people while children between 2-14 years of age were shown to be at highest risk across all 25 study sites.


There are an estimated 12.5 to 16.3 million cases of typhoid every year with 140,000 deaths. However, with generic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and abdominal pain, and the need for blood culture sampling to make a definitive diagnosis, it is difficult for governments to capture the true burden of typhoid in their countries.


“Our goal through SETA was to address these gaps in typhoid disease burden data,” said lead author Dr. Florian Marks, Deputy Director General of the International Vaccine Institute (IVI). “Our estimates indicate that introduction of TCV in endemic settings would go to lengths in protecting communities, especially school-aged children, against this potentially deadly—but preventable—disease.”


In addition to disease incidence, this study also showed that the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Salmonella Typhi, the bacteria that causes typhoid fever, has led to more reliance beyond the traditional first line of antibiotic treatment. If left untreated, severe cases of the disease can lead to intestinal perforation and even death. This suggests that prevention through vaccination may play a critical role in not only protecting against typhoid fever but reducing the spread of drug-resistant strains of the bacteria.


There are two TCVs prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and available through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. In February 2024, IVI and SK bioscience announced that a third TCV, SKYTyphoid™, also achieved WHO PQ, paving the way for public procurement and increasing the global supply.


Alongside the SETA disease burden study, IVI has been working with colleagues in three African countries to show the real-world impact of TCV vaccination. These studies include a cluster-randomized trial in Agogo, Ghana and two effectiveness studies following mass vaccination in Kisantu, DRC and Imerintsiatosika, Madagascar.


Dr. Birkneh Tilahun Tadesse, Associate Director General at IVI and Head of the Real-World Evidence Department, explains, “Through these vaccine effectiveness studies, we aim to show the full public health value of TCV in settings that are directly impacted by a high burden of typhoid fever.” He adds, “Our final objective of course is to eliminate typhoid or to at least reduce the burden to low incidence levels, and that’s what we are attempting in Fiji with an island-wide vaccination campaign.”


As more countries in typhoid endemic countries, namely in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, consider TCV in national immunization programs, these data will help inform evidence-based policy decisions around typhoid prevention and control.




About the International Vaccine Institute (IVI)
The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) is a non-profit international organization established in 1997 at the initiative of the United Nations Development Programme with a mission to discover, develop, and deliver safe, effective, and affordable vaccines for global health.

IVI’s current portfolio includes vaccines at all stages of pre-clinical and clinical development for infectious diseases that disproportionately affect low- and middle-income countries, such as cholera, typhoid, chikungunya, shigella, salmonella, schistosomiasis, hepatitis E, HPV, COVID-19, and more. IVI developed the world’s first low-cost oral cholera vaccine, pre-qualified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and developed a new-generation typhoid conjugate vaccine that is recently pre-qualified by WHO.

IVI is headquartered in Seoul, Republic of Korea with a Europe Regional Office in Sweden, a Country Office in Austria, and Collaborating Centers in Ghana, Ethiopia, and Madagascar. 39 countries and the WHO are members of IVI, and the governments of the Republic of Korea, Sweden, India, Finland, and Thailand provide state funding. For more information, please visit



Aerie Em, Global Communications & Advocacy Manager
+82 2 881 1386 |

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US Spent More Than Double What It Collected In February, As 2024 Deficit Is Second Highest Ever… And Debt Explodes

US Spent More Than Double What It Collected In February, As 2024 Deficit Is Second Highest Ever… And Debt Explodes

Earlier today, CNBC’s…



US Spent More Than Double What It Collected In February, As 2024 Deficit Is Second Highest Ever... And Debt Explodes

Earlier today, CNBC's Brian Sullivan took a horse dose of Red Pills when, about six months after our readers, he learned that the US is issuing $1 trillion in debt every 100 days, which prompted him to rage tweet, (or rageX, not sure what the proper term is here) the following:

We’ve added 60% to national debt since 2018. Germany - a country with major economic woes - added ‘just’ 32%.   

Maybe it will never matter.   Maybe MMT is real.   Maybe we just cancel or inflate it out. Maybe career real estate borrowers or career politicians aren’t the answer.

I have no idea.  Only time will tell.   But it’s going to be fascinating to watch it play out.

He is right: it will be fascinating, and the latest budget deficit data simply confirmed that the day of reckoning will come very soon, certainly sooner than the two years that One River's Eric Peters predicted this weekend for the coming "US debt sustainability crisis."

According to the US Treasury, in February, the US collected $271 billion in various tax receipts, and spent $567 billion, more than double what it collected.

The two charts below show the divergence in US tax receipts which have flatlined (on a trailing 6M basis) since the covid pandemic in 2020 (with occasional stimmy-driven surges)...

... and spending which is about 50% higher compared to where it was in 2020.

The end result is that in February, the budget deficit rose to $296.3 billion, up 12.9% from a year prior, and the second highest February deficit on record.

And the punchline: on a cumulative basis, the budget deficit in fiscal 2024 which began on October 1, 2023 is now $828 billion, the second largest cumulative deficit through February on record, surpassed only by the peak covid year of 2021.

But wait there's more: because in a world where the US is spending more than twice what it is collecting, the endgame is clear: debt collapse, and while it won't be tomorrow, or the week after, it is coming... and it's also why the US is now selling $1 trillion in debt every 100 days just to keep operating (and absorbing all those millions of illegal immigrants who will keep voting democrat to preserve the socialist system of the US, so beloved by the Soros clan).

And it gets even worse, because we are now in the ponzi finance stage of the Minsky cycle, with total interest on the debt annualizing well above $1 trillion, and rising every day

... having already surpassed total US defense spending and soon to surpass total health spending and, finally all social security spending, the largest spending category of all, which means that US debt will now rise exponentially higher until the inevitable moment when the US dollar loses its reserve status and it all comes crashing down.

We conclude with another observation by CNBC's Brian Sullivan, who quotes an email by a DC strategist...

.. which lays out the proposed Biden budget as follows:

The budget deficit will growth another $16 TRILLION over next 10 years. Thats *with* the proposed massive tax hikes.

Without them the deficit will grow $19 trillion.

That's why you will hear the "deficit is being reduced by $3 trillion" over the decade.

No family budget or business could exist with this kind of math.

Of course, in the long run, neither can the US... and since neither party will ever cut the spending which everyone by now is so addicted to, the best anyone can do is start planning for the endgame.

Tyler Durden Tue, 03/12/2024 - 18:40

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