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Engineering CRISPR Cures: An Interview with Fyodor Urnov

Fyodor Urnov, PhD, is a pioneer in the field of genome editing and one of the scientists most invested in expanding the availability and utility of CRISPR-based…



By Jonathan D. Grinstein, PhD

Fyodor Urnov, PhD, is a pioneer in the field of genome editing and one of the scientists most invested in expanding the availability and utility of CRISPR-based therapies to the broadest possible population. He envisions a world in which genome editing can treat the nearly 400 million people who are suffering from one of the 7000 diseases brought on by gene mutations.

After his PhD in 1996 from Brown University, Urnov worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Alan Wolffe at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 2000, Urnov joined Wolffe in moving to Sangamo Therapeutics in California. During his 16 years at Sangamo, Urnov and his colleagues performed the first demonstration using zinc-finger nucleases to modify DNA in human cells in 2005, coining the term “genome editing” in the process.1

After that, Urnov led collaborative teams that created large-scale genome editing applications in crop genetics, model animal reverse genetics, and human somatic cell genetics. While at Sangamo, Urnov also led a cross-functional team from basic discovery to the initial design of the first-in-human clinical trials for sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia, which are being conducted in collaboration with UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital and UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center.

In 2019, Urnov became the director of the Center for Translational Genomics at the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI), working alongside Nobel laureate Jennifer Doudna, and a professor in the Departments of Genetics, Genomics, and Development at the University of California, Berkeley. At the IGI, Urnov works in collaborative teams to develop first-in-human applications of experimental CRISPR-based therapeutics for sickle cell disease (with Mark Walters, UCSF), genetic disorders of the immune system (with Alexander Marson, UCSF/IGI), radiation injury (with Jonathan Weissman, MIT/Whitehead Institute), cystic fibrosis (with Ross Wilson, IGI), and neurological disorders (with Weill Neurohub and Roche/Genentech).

In this exclusive interview, GEN Biotechnology talks to Urnov about his career in genome editing, from his early days at Sangamo to the establishment of his current company, Tune Therapeutics, which he cofounded with Charles Gersbach and Akira Matsuno (president and CFO). He elaborates on his plans for “CRISPR cures on demand” and the challenges that stand in the way of his goal.

(This interview has been lightly edited for length and accuracy.)

Jonathan Grinstein: I read through your 2021 article for Molecular Therapy (“Imagine CRISPR Cures”),2 which I am guessing is a reference to the John Lennon song, and your 2022 op-ed for the New York Times (“We Can Cure Disease by Editing a Person’s DNA. Why Aren’t We?”).3 In those articles, you lay out the improvements necessary to make CRISPR cures for n = 1 diseases and rare diseases a reality. Where are we today in realizing your CRISPR-cure-on-demand vision?

Urnov: We have in front of us clinical data that genetic therapies for severe disease can be curative. This wasn’t a given. Genetic engineering to treat disease was proposed in 1972 by Ted Friedman at UCSD. That’s 50 years ago! The first gene therapy trials were done at the NIH in 1989. The first glimmers that gene therapy can work came in the 2000s; CRISPR came online in 2012; the first human was treated with CRISPR in 2019. Looking back at that time, it staggers the imagination how this early period of incubation—1989 through the early 2010s—where things were sort of working, sometimes there are glitches. But then the field hit its stride and we now have on the order of 15–20 gene therapies just for disorders of the blood alone, where we have pretty spectacular curative effects.

And when I say curative, I don’t mean a patient gets mildly better. I mean something like adenosine deaminase deficiency, severe combined immune deficiency. Don Kohn (UCLA) and Claire Booth (University College London) had 50 children who were certain to die, and they are basically cured by gene therapy or in two cases by bone marrow transplant. Think about that!

Similarly, as one looks at what CRISPR has been doing clinically, look at the data from clinical trials for sickle cell disease from CRISPR Therapeutics and Vertex Pharmaceuticals. They have treated people who have had multiple episodes of pain before being administered their own CRISPR-edited cells. And they have shown that dozens of human beings are now free of pain episodes (in the case of sickle) or need for transfusion. Or look at Intellia, which is treating ATTR amyloidosis; within a month of being administered a teaspoon of CRISPR—it is astonishing. You have 95% reduction in the bloodstream of these human beings of this toxic protein. So, blood is editable, the liver is editable. Major companies, biotech and pharma, are showing how well it works.

Nobody is celebrating this in the rare disease space because the rare diseases under the current system are just going to be left by the roadside. There are just not enough human beings with, say, rare disease number 75 out of 5000 to justify the commercial investment in taking that medicine through development, clinical trials then regulatory approval… We have examples where companies took on genetic therapies that they simply could not figure out how to commercialize… There are 17 diseases where lentiviral gene therapy was curative, the list is growing—but only four of them are commercialized.

For about three of the others, commercialization has been halted and none of the recent ones are being commercialized. So as Kohn says, the list of diseases we have cured is growing at the bottom and the list of diseases that are commercialized and approved is shrinking from the top.

The realization that CRISPR can be this powerful is now a definitive component of the momentum that the system has to change. I am unaware, unfortunately, of a single gene-editing trial anywhere in the world for genetic disease that will be all academic and all nonprofit—other than the one we have, which is led by Mark Walters (University of California, San Francisco). It gives me zero pleasure to say that we are the only ones. There should be literally 100 trials such as this—the patients are out there and the technology is there. So, as we think about getting closer to a world where these diseases are not left by the wayside, we are probably 20% of the way in. I will also say that the remaining 80% are going to be more challenging than the first 20%.

The first 20% of the way that we are in basically shows that academic and nonprofit centers have all the relevant expertise to design a CRISPR medicine, to administer it to animals, and in a few cases really get the program to a point where, if only we could manufacture the medicine affordably, if only we could go through clinical trials affordably, if only there was a regulatory framework where we would not be burdened by studies that are millions of dollars and years in length, which is what currently the costs are.

The next three to five years, I see as almost a moral must for our field. We have to take the momentum that CRISPR can be curative, that gene therapy can be curative. We have to take the established fact that there are academic and nonprofit institutions across the world with CRISPR expertise. I am sitting in the center of one of them (UC Berkeley); our sister campus at UCSF is a world leader in developing these therapies.

Our sister campus, UCLA, is another leader. We at UC Berkeley are a CRISPR center of excellence. There are other places like that, Children’s Hospital Boston, Penn Medicine, Seattle Children’s, St. Jude. What currently does not exist is a way to support these institutions and create a dedicated manufacturing and regulatory framework for them where, within the realm of academic nonprofit medicine, they can start rapidly developing, de-risking and administering these cures for n = 1.

Why don’t we have that? Well, we have never had a technology as versatile as CRISPR. In other words, the reason that there is not some sort of wonderful environment where you can develop and deliver a CRISPR cure in 6 months is we have never had a reason to build it! Now we do. The momentum to have the regulatory manufacturing and logistical and clinical environments now aligned with the promise of the technology comes from the fact that the technology has demonstrated definitive curative potential.


Grinstein: You are the cofounder of a biotech company called Tune Therapeutics. Can you give us the Spark Notes summary of epigenome editing? What can epigenetic editing do that base and prime editing cannot? If it is not a one-and-done treatment, why would you go this route as opposed to using a genetic tool like CRISPR for permanent changes?

Urnov: I really hope you booked three hours for this interview!

Why does fiber protect from colon cancer? It is because, in your colon, the fiber gets fermented to make a chemical called sodium butyrate, which enters the cells of the lining of the colon, and it changes chemical marks on genes that protect those colon cells from cancer. Those marks on the protein coating of the genes and on the DNA, itself don’t change what the genes say, those marks change what the genes do.

So next time you have some oatmeal, close your eyes, and visualize that fiber being fermented in your colon, making butyrate and the butyrate entering the cells that line your colon entering the nucleus and that chemical keeping the genes that protect you from cancer on. First of all, fiber is good for you, both for cardiovascular disease and colorectal health. This is a great example of how our genes learned from experience because that is literally what epigenetics is. Yes, we leave this mortal coil with more or less the same DNA that we are born with, but what our genes do in our lifetime changes, not just because we age, but because we go through various exposures. We know from striking public health evidence how powerful keeping a healthy epigenome can be.

In the United States and many developed countries, if a woman chooses to become pregnant, her physician will recommend that she takes a dietary supplement called folate. Folate is less interesting than what it does. It allows the developing fetus to have a healthy epigenome specifically in its spine. It prevents the prevalence of spina bifida. And there is definitive epidemiological evidence that dietary folate in a woman who chooses to have a biological child before conception and through pregnancy will keep the genes in the developing fetus and the baby that contribute to normal spine development in a healthy state…

So, the epigenome is the sum total of these little marks from experience that our genes acquire as we go through development and life. We have known about this since the 1960s, we have known that our DNA is enveloped in proteins that have these chemical marks, and those marks have something to do with what the genes do.

But until about 20 years ago, we were like astronomers staring at the stars, right? We can count them, but we cannot fly to them. Then about 20 years ago, some really amazing work that came out of a number of academic institutions and then ultimately got taken up by a technology company [Sangamo] where I have to disclose an emotional conflict of interest—I worked there for a decade and a half! You can engineer proteins that will recognize a specific gene inside a living cell and change its epigenome. What does that mean in practical terms? Imagine a gene that apparently got silenced for some reason of environmental exposure. Maybe we can wake it. Imagine a gene that is producing something unwanted; maybe we can build a protein that would engage that gene and turn it off.

We don’t have to imagine—this is all reality. Studies for the past 20 years have given us a proof of concept that you can turn genes on and off on demand. We need not wait for Mother Nature to smile benevolently on us, we can turn genes on and off on demand by building these epigenome editors. Notice the epi prefix: they are not gene editors, they don’t change the DNA; they change what the genes do. An epigenome editor can go inside a T cell or a brain cell and turn a specific gene on and off. I want to emphasize that we humans have a great ability of proposing technologies and then getting it to work as a proof of concept, and then other technologies come on board and ultimately, it is the constellation of things that makes things real.

My favorite example is the surface of the iPhone, made out of something called gorilla glass, which Corning engineered in the 1960s for use in windshields. It never caught on and sat on the shelf until Steve Jobs decided that he wanted to make his iPhone with an unbreakable glass cover. It is a great example of how multiple threads of technology come together to have a 1 + 1 = 7 effect! I think this is true for epigenome editing. We have known that we could do this since the early 2000s, but as you think about the ability to engineer new kind of proteins, both in terms of engaging the DNA and changing the epigenome, as we think about ways to rapidly profile their potency, do they do what we need them to do and how specific are they? Do they go somewhere else and turn some other genome?

As we think about ways to deliver them to specific cells or organs in the body, all of that has not just undergone an incremental change in the past 20 years it has undergone a step change, where we can take a large animal, like a human primate, and inject it with a teaspoon of an epigenome editor formulated with a lipid nanoparticle (LNP). You inject it into the circulation of a monkey. And inside that LNP is an epigenome editor, engineered to turn off a gene that contributes to cardiovascular disease. Lo and behold, within a couple of weeks of administering this epi editor, the gene goes off.

This is an amazing achievement, and the gene stays off for as long as the system has been looked at. We have always wanted to be able to tweak genes on and off—not just all the way on or off, but think of it as a soundboard, a bit more bass, a touch less treble, a bit more on the drums, and certainly less cowbell! This is what epigenome editing lets you do. It is like you can flip a gene on, you can flip a gene off, but you can also adjust it. Sound output… You don’t need to change the DNA sequences. You simply inscribe new molecular makeup on that gene without changing what the DNA says and the gene politely obliges. That is the Spark Notes version.


Grinstein: Is Tune Therapeutics the realization of a dream that started 25 years ago when you were a postdoc with the late Alan Wolffe?

Urnov: Absolutely! Alan believed in epigenetics and chromatin as being the key to real insight into how human genes work before most people did. At the time in the 1990s, we knew chromatin existed, but people thought that chromatin gets out of the way so that the real action can begin. We now know that is not the case, but at the time it was not front and center in the minds of people working on gene control or people building therapies. Alan was remarkably ahead of his time in two ways. First, he just thought about chromatin as just incredibly deep, even though we did not know how deep the rabbit hole goes. Second, he was young. He passed away tragically in an accident in 2001 (age 42).

His professional output over the previous 20 years was staggering. He was the youngest laboratory chief appointed to a chief of laboratory position at the NIH in its history. He wrote the definitive monograph on chromatin and epigenetics, which was on the table of everyone working in the field. And I will never forget the single most impactful conversation of my professional life, when Alan shows up at my bench in his laboratory in late 1999. Alan was English. He said, “Dr. Urnov, I have just had the most remarkable visit.” And he proceeded to describe the vision of engineering gene control using chromatin, epigenomic-based principles using a class of engineered proteins called zinc fingers.

As far as I was concerned, Alan was Yoda except much younger. I could not believe my luck that I got to work in his laboratory. He described this vision and said, “There’s a biotechnology company in Point Richmond, California.” I said, “That’s amazing, Alan, thanks for telling me.” Six weeks later he calls me into his office and says, “Dr. Urnov, I have a question for you. How committed are you to a career in academia?” I remember thinking, he does not think I have it in me to be an academic scientist. What have I done? But Alan was inviting me to join him at Sangamo.

A number of us went, it was the best professional move of my life. We had this extraordinary moment in 2001 where the field had just begun to realize what epigenetics could really do. And we had just begun to characterize these amazing molecular machines that inscribe epigenetic code. And to do the first experiments where we could bring in these epigenome modifiers, this was work by my colleague Philip Gregory, to endogenous human genes, and just instruct them by rewriting their epigenome.

Philip would show the data at Sangamo meetings. I remember thinking, where is this going to go? Then in 2002, there were some articles on fruit flies and frogs from Dana Carroll at the University of Utah, and an article from David Baltimore’s laboratory with Matt Porteus on targeted genetic engineering using the very same zinc fingers that we were using to change the epigenome. But then there was a severe adverse event in the gene therapy trial for bubble boy disease in France; 4 of 19 children developed cancer because the virus went into the wrong place [in the genome].

There we were, in 2002. We have zinc fingers, which can let us get to a gene of interest. We have early evidence from flies, frogs, and reporter genes in human cells that we can create a double-strand break and repair a mutation, and we have this unmet need. We pivoted: It is not that we did not think that epigenome editing was exciting, but in terms of fixing a mutation for bubble boy disease, that felt real, like we could do this. So, we went after that. Now the rest is history, right? We got genetic editing to work. We named the technology, did all the first clinical trials, and of course we are about to get our first approved editing medicine using CRISPR-Cas technology.

But all along, we were in Point Richmond, California, gene editing away. There was a hardy group of believers who never forgot that epigenome editing is a thing. And Charlie Gersbach (Duke University), my [Tune] cofounder, was one of those believers. He had his eye on that notion that you can inscribe epigenetic marks on genes, and he never took his eye off. I am very grateful to him. While everybody is running around making double-strand DNA breaks and creating interesting genetic forms, Charlie and some other academics thought this is all great, but we don’t have to change the DNA to change what the genes do (figure 1).

GENBio Fyodo rUrnov interview figure1
Figure 1. How the epigenome controls gene expression.
Epigenetic control elements are located along the length of each chromosome and alter local interactions between DNA and the histones. This keeps some genes coiled and inaccessible while opening up and making available others. These regulatory elements can alter chromatin structure by modifying histone proteins or DNA methylation and demethylation. This allows for the controlled activation or repression of genes across a wide range of cellular contexts and physiological states. [Tune Therapeutics]
About once a week, I see a scientific result where my first thought is, I wish Alan were alive to see this… When Tune showed the data that you can administer an epi editor to silence PCSK9 in the nonhuman primate with a durable effect, the first thought in my mind was, I wish Alan were alive to see this. I know exactly how he would have reacted. It is bittersweet.


Grinstein: What sets Tune apart from other epigenome editing companies?

Urnov: I love my field of targeted genetic and epigenetic engineering. We have a history of being a large rising tide that lifts all boats. It is a bit hard for me to say company #1 is better than company #2 because, for example, the people who have started at another epigenome editing company are some of my best professional friends. Rather, I would love to talk about what makes Tune strong, because as we have learned from a 30-year history of gene therapy, the more for-profit entities push technologies forward, the better we will get to learnings from clinical trials and preclinical development that gets us all to better platforms that become.

What makes Tune strong are three things. I spent 16 years in industry. The only thing that matters with respect to ultimate success for a therapeutic: you can have a lot of money, amazing technology, and tremendous unmet need. But if you don’t have the right people in the organization, it is going to fail. I think that the Tunesmiths, the melody makers, are some of the most impressive constellations of cross-functional expertise that I have ever seen.

GENBio Fyodo rUrnov interview figure2
Figure 2. Gene expression volume control.
Genetic tuning, or epigenetic editing, involves tinkering with epigenetic machinery in order to alter the expression of genes. Rather than completely activating or silencing a gene, genetic tuning allows for a much more nuanced range of effects. In certain contexts, a partial reduction or activation of gene expression is preferable to total knockout or forced over-expression. These distinctions are important to circumvent many of the technical and clinical barriers that have hindered the development of previous genomic therapeutics. [Tune Therapeutics]
We have people who deeply understand how to engineer proteins, both in terms of routing them to specific positions in the DNA potently and specifically and in terms of what to fuse to them to create specific epi states. We have people with extraordinary skill in understanding how to read out at the cell biological level. Did we get the readout that is necessary? But all we have done so far is we have stayed in the same laboratory, right? We have built a protein that does something to a gene in a cell—that does not a therapeutic make (figure 2).

I am so impressed with the vigor and vision with which Tune’s leadership has been able to weave together a vertically integrated organization where pretty much at every station in the end-to-end journey of conceptualizing a target to then a disease therapeutic, and to then writing the target product profile, which is basically like, what are we treating? Using what? What is it going to do? What is the biological activity? What is the minimum approvable endpoint? What is the optimal problem from when you conceptualize target product profile for a disease indication too?

When you flesh out the paths of attack of how you are going to deploy your platform, what you are going to need, what does the preclinical package look like, to actually doing all the relevant manufacturing tasks, and then taking it through regulatory and having the clinical perspective. I think the cross-functional team that Tune has built out is what makes it strong.

Component number two is what these people have built. I am no stranger to impressive science, I have worked in organizations that know what they are doing. The Tune data are amazing. …We first met for a serious conversation about building Tune at a meeting. It was raining, so we were all glad to sit in the conference room in November in DC. And we sketched things out. I texted Charlie and said, well this has taken our dreams to reality and then some. I think the technology and the data that have come out of Tune—you feel parental, right? You teach your baby something and then you send them to college, and then you hold your breath and hope they write, but to have the report card come back and shine so brightly, that is strength number two.

Strength number three is the following: We have cured every mouse on earth of every disease known to humankind. The only way to learn how to treat disease is to treat people with a disease. No amount of preclinical efficacy and safety data can teach you the key things you need to know in terms of how to actually build a medicine for that disease. So, I think Tune’s strength is the clarity, vigor, and vision that leadership has managed to build and infuse the entire company with respect to a robust and healthy focus of getting Tune epi editors into the clinic.

I have seen biotechnology companies perhaps too enamored of their preclinical experimentation. You have to get to human beings. I salute our leadership—seasoned professionals with scars of what can go wrong in the clinic—for the way they have been able to configure the organization toward having a very healthy and vibrant R&D pipeline while time pushing the company in a healthy way toward getting us into the clinic.



1. Urnov FD, Miller JC, Lee Y-L, et al. Highly efficient endogenous human gene correction using designed zinc-finger nucleasesNature 2005;435(7042):646–651; doi: 10.1038/nature03556 CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar

2. Urnov FDImagine CRISPR curesMol Ther 2021;29(11):3103–3106; doi: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2021.10.019 CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar

3. Urnov F. Opinion | We Can Cure Disease by Editing a Person’s DNA. Why Aren’t We? The New York Times; 2022. Google Scholar


This article was originally published in the October 2023 issue of GEN Biotechnology. GEN Biotechnology, published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., is the new, marquee peer-reviewed journal publishing outstanding original research and perspectives across all facets of the biotech industry.

The post Engineering CRISPR Cures: An Interview with Fyodor Urnov appeared first on GEN - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News.

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Parexel CEO to retire; CAR-T maker AffyImmune promotes business leader to chief executive

Peyton Howell
→ Jamie Macdonald will retire as CEO of Parexel on May 15, and the clinical research organization has already named Peyton Howell — the…



Peyton Howell

Jamie Macdonald will retire as CEO of Parexel on May 15, and the clinical research organization has already named Peyton Howell — the current chief operating and growth officer — as his successor. Macdonald replaced co-founder and longtime chief executive Josef von Rickenbach in March 2018, and Howell arrived two months later as chief commercial and strategy officer. Earlier, she handled a series of roles for more than a decade at AmerisourceBergen.

“Jamie guided Parexel through a pivotal time in the company’s evolution, leading it through its successful acquisition by EQT and Goldman Sachs Asset Management in 2021 and achieving industry-leading profit growth across his tenure with the company — outpacing the top-tier CROs during this same period to position Parexel for sustainable growth,” board chair Sheri McCoy said in a statement.

Macdonald will keep his board seat at Parexel until the end of this year.

Matt Britz

→ Chaired by Simone Song, who just announced a $260 million second fund at ORI Capital a month ago, AffyImmune Therapeutics has promoted Matt Britz to CEO. Britz joined AffyImmune as SVP of business development from Minerva Biotechnologies in 2021, and he was quickly elevated to COO. In addition to the new boss, AffyImmune has welcomed bluebird bio alum Pete Gelinas as SVP of CMC. For the past two years, Gelinas led manufacturing and technical operations at David Hallal’s ElevateBio. Song’s crew at ORI forked over $30 million for AffyImmune’s “Series A+” in October 2021, and we’ll see if the CAR-T developer has another fundraising round on the horizon.

Christine Roth

Bayer told Nicole DeFeudis this week that it’s “basically halving” the number of execs on its pharmaceutical leadership team as part of the massive restructuring project that’s taking place at the German multinational. It means the end of the road for Anne-Grethe Mortensen, a longtime Bayer staffer who has been chief marketing officer since 2019, but she’s the only one who will part ways. Sebastian Guth, who has been doing double duty as president of Bayer US and president of North America pharmaceuticals, will be COO on April 1 and stay in the US. The head of the oncology strategic business unit, Christine Roth, will lead a new “global commercialization” team on June 1. Meanwhile, R&D chief Christian Rommel and product supply leader Holger Weintritt aren’t going anywhere and neither is CMO Michael Devoy, but Devoy won’t be on the pharma leadership roster.

Annemarie Hanekamp

Annemarie Hanekamp will replace Sean Marett as BioNTech’s chief commercial officer on July 1. Hanekamp led the radioligand therapy teams at Novartis, which got a jump on an increasingly buzzy field with the approvals of Lutathera (from the Advanced Accelerator Applications buyout) and Pluvicto. Before that, she had numerous roles in 11 years at Bristol Myers Squibb, culminating in her promotion to head of sales, US immunology. BioNTech makes this leadership move as Covid-19 revenue continues its downward slide and as the German company touts an oncology pipeline that contains ADCs and bispecifics.

Noah Berkowitz

→ Several weeks after CFO Sean Cassidy’s departure, Arvinas has made another C-suite change by bringing in Noah Berkowitz as CMO. From 2020-23, Berkowitz was Bristol Myers’ development unit head, hematology, and he also tackled the role of clinical development head for hematology during his tenure at Novartis. Ron Peck, a Bristol Myers vet in his own right who had been medical chief since 2019, is stepping down from the protein degradation player “to pursue other opportunities.”

Fulcrum Therapeutics has enlisted Patrick Horn as CMO, while interim medical chief Iain Fraser will become SVP of early development. We last saw Horn in this space when he was named CMO of HemoShear Therapeutics, and he’s held the same position with Tetraphase and Albireo Pharma. Ex-Fulcrum CMO Santiago Arroyo left after five months to take the role of development chief at Bicycle Therapeutics in April 2023. Four months later, the FDA lifted the clinical hold on Fulcrum’s sickle cell therapy FTX-6058.

Simon Cooper

Morphic Therapeutic also has a new medical chief: Simon Cooper spent more than two and a half years with Keros Therapeutics in the same capacity, and he’s also been CMO at Kadmon and Anokion. Cooper has an extensive Big Pharma background with Roche, Novartis and Sanofi, and he was an asset strategy leader for risankizumab (known as the blockbuster Skyrizi) at AbbVie. Last September, Morphic’s stock took a tumble when its inflammatory bowel disease drug MORF-057 did not surpass Takeda’s Entyvio in terms of efficacy.

→ Eye drug developer Clearside Biomedical has picked up Victor Chong as CMO. Chong joins the team in Georgia from J&J Innovative Medicine, where he was VP, global head of retina DAS. Before that, he was global head of medicine, retinal health at Boehringer Ingelheim.

→ Elsewhere, at Ocugen, the company has promoted Huma Qamar to the role of CMO. Qamar has been with the company for over three years. Prior to her role at Ocugen, Qamar was with FSD Pharma as SVP, head of R&D.

Petra Kaufmann

Vigil Neuroscience concludes our tour through the latest CMO hires with the exit of Christopher Silber after just five months with the company. In walks Petra Kaufmann, the former CMO of AAV gene therapy biotech Affinia Therapeutics. Kaufmann is also the former SVP, clinical development, translational medicine & analytics for Novartis Gene Therapies. The FDA lifted a partial clinical hold on Vigil’s lead program, a TREM2 antibody now called iluzanebart, almost exactly a year ago.

Michael Boretti has taken the CBO job at Solu Therapeutics, the Longwood upstart that’s now run by ex-Faze Medicines CEO Phil Vickers. Boretti previously held the CBO post at Celsius Therapeutics since 2019 and he’s the ex-VP of business development for Epizyme. Santé Ventures, DCVC Bio and the venture arm of Astellas are among the investors that joined Longwood for Solu’s $31 million seed round last summer.

Dan Neil

BenevolentAI says that chief technology officer Dan Neil will be ending his seven-year run at the company in April “to relocate to be nearer his family.” James Malone will succeed Neil. He just finished a year-long stint with as VP of engineering; earlier, Malone was BenchSci’s VP, data engineering, machine learning and bioinformatics.

Larry Hineline is retiring after 22 years as CFO of Caplyta maker Intra-Cellular Therapies, which has also elevated Michael Halstead to president. Halstead has spent the last decade as Intra-Cellular’s general counsel and was elevated to EVP in 2019.

Jonathan Gillis

→ Through its acquisition of Karuna Therapeutics, Bristol Myers has a Sept. 26 decision date for the schizophrenia drug KarXT. Another contender in this space comes from MapLight Therapeutics, which has selected Vishwas Setia as CFO and shifted his predecessor, Jonathan Gillis, to chief administrative and accounting officer. Setia worked at Bank of America Securities for nearly a decade and served as a managing director in the healthcare investment banking group. MapLight secured a $225 million Series C last October and while ML-007C-MA is a muscarinic 1 and muscarinic 4 agonist like KarXT, the difference is it’s in combination with a peripheral muscarinic antagonist.

Syndax Pharmaceuticals, which closed a $230 million public offering in December, has named Steven Closter as CCO. Closter previously worked at Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, culminating in his role as VP, brand strategy and launch excellence. Before that, he spent nearly two decades at Forest Laboratories in senior marketing and commercial roles, including VP, marketing.

Tracey Lodie

→ Co-founded by scientific advisory board chair George Church and backed by Bayer, GRO Biosciences has welcomed Tracey Lodie as chief development officer. Lodie comes to GRObio from Quell Therapeutics, where he had been CSO since the summer of 2021. The 14-year Sanofi Genzyme vet also spent two years as Gamida Cell’s science chief and was SVP, translational immunology for BlueRock Therapeutics. In November 2021, GRObio raised $25 million in Series A financing to make protein therapies with artificial amino acids.

→ Lyon, France-based MaaT Pharma, which completed a new microbiome facility in France with Skyepharma last September, has enlisted Jonathan Chriqui as CBO. Chriqui has experience from Ipsen and Servier under his belt and formerly served as chief operating & chief business development officer at Somagenetix.

John Maraganore

John Maraganore inundated Peer Review with a barrage of board appointments and advisory gigs after he stepped down from Alnylam, but lately it’s been all quiet on the Maraganore front — until this week. He’s now on the board at Rapport Therapeutics, a neuro biotech that racked up two megarounds in short order last year and is chaired by ex-Karuna chief Steve Paul. Maraganore is also a venture partner at both Atlas Ventures and ARCH Venture Partners.

→ As BeiGene celebrates the long-awaited US approval of its PD-1 drug tislelizumab, which will be branded as Tevimbra, Checkpoint Therapeutics will resubmit a BLA for its PD-1 candidate cosibelimab after the FDA issued a CRL in December. Checkpoint has now elected Amit Sharma to the board of directors. Sharma, the VP of clinical development and therapeutic head for nephrology and hematology at AstraZeneca’s rare disease unit Alexion, was previously a medical affairs exec in Bayer’s cardiovascular and renal division.

Maggie Pax has sewn up a spot on the board of directors at Repligen. In the back half of her eight years with Thermo Fisher, Pax was VP, strategy and innovation.

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Censorship And The Digital Public Square

Censorship And The Digital Public Square

Authored by Adeline Von Drehle via RealClear Wire,

“We don’t want no censorship, we don’t…



Censorship And The Digital Public Square

Authored by Adeline Von Drehle via RealClear Wire,

We don’t want no censorship, we don’t need no censorship!” Kevin Nathaniel’s voice boomed from the podium in front of the Supreme Court as he, frontman of the Spirit Drummers, led the crowd in a series of sing-songy, reggae-inspired chants. His audience was small but excitable. Some wore Kennedy ’24 beanies and “Ivermectin saves lives” T-shirts. Others showed off signs reading “Fauci is the tyrant the founding fathers warned us about,” and “Freedom of speech includes views you don’t like,” and “Media literacy = censorship,” as they bopped along to the bongo drums.

Inside, the Supreme Court was gearing up to hear the oral arguments of Murthy v. Missouri, in which Missouri and Louisiana, as well as several individuals, claim that federal officials violated the First Amendment in their efforts to combat misinformation on social media. The parties contend that the Biden administration effectively coerced platforms into silencing the voices of American citizens, particularly those on the right who posted about the COVID-19 lab leak theory, pandemic lockdowns, vaccine side effects, election fraud, and the Hunter Biden laptop story. The plaintiffs have called it a “sprawling Censorship Enterprise.”

People live with different facts than their neighbors. One reason for this is social media algorithms, which use engagement features such as “like” buttons to feed users more of the content they seem to be interested in. Such a system can result in one person’s feed looking completely alien to another person. That we live in parallel universes is not news, but the dilemma it poses raises crucial questions about the responsibility of social media companies to track what is on their platforms and whether the government even has the right – or the responsibility – to counter what it deems misinformation, and when a line has been crossed into unconstitutional censorship.

Plaintiffs in Murthy v. Missouri claim the line was crossed, and then crossed a few hundred more times. The suit names federal officials including President Joe Biden, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Anthony Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and others – as well as federal agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

While the lawsuit ostensibly sets out to detail the many ways the federal government violated Americans’ First Amendment rights, it also spent a great deal of its time explaining why the information the mainstream has labeled “misinformation” is actually the truth.

The Missouri and Louisiana attorneys general cite studies, journal articles, and news stories to bolster their assertions about mail-in voter fraud and about the inefficacy of masking, quarantining, and COVID-19 vaccines. “Yesterday’s ‘misinformation’ often becomes today’s viable theory and tomorrow’s established fact,” they wrote in their legal brief.

The plaintiffs go on to the meat of their complaint, which is about 50 pages of what they hope will be viewed as convincing evidence of a well-oiled censorship machine.

In one example, they present transcripts of Jen Psaki linking encouragement for social media companies to “stop amplifying untrustworthy content … especially related to COVID-19, vaccinations, and elections” with comments about anti-trust regulation and privacy protections, insinuating that the federal government would impose undesirable regulations on social media companies if they do not increase censorship of right-wing messaging.

The suit also states that Dr. Fauci “coordinated with social-media firms to police and suppress speech regarding COVID-19 on social media,” particularly about the lab-leak theory – which contends that COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan, China – because Fauci himself signed off on funding the gain-of-function research that may have created the virus. Instead, Fauci and other officials at the National Institutes of Health pushed the narrative that COVID was a zoonotic virus that jumped to humans in a Wuhan seafood market.

Whether these examples and many others constitute threats or nefarious coercion is what the high court is now weighing. A federal district court judge issued a preliminary injunction that prevents much of the federal government from collaborating with various groups about what should and should not be allowed on social media. The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals kept it in place, saying the evidence showed the existence of “a coordinated campaign” of unprecedented “magnitude orchestrated by federal officials that jeopardized a fundamental aspect of American life.”

The injunction rang alarm bells as it specifically banned communication between the federal government and the Election Integrity Partnership, which was instrumental in debunking false claims about the 2020 election. The Supreme Court stayed the injunction, suggesting it was less convinced than the lower courts by initial evidence.

One private individual suing alongside the states is Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, who was fired from his job at a University of California school for refusing a COVID-19 vaccine. Author of “The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State,” Kheriaty describes government censorship as a “leviathan,” a Hobbesian term to describe an entity with utter control over its subjects.

“It’s an interconnected network of public and supposedly private entities that is basically working 24/7 to flag and pressure the social media companies into doing its bidding with censorship,” said Kheriaty. “If these social media companies are not complying, the government can turn the screws and turn up the temperature and basically force them into compliance.”

Some conspiracy theories turn out to be true. But this would be a big one.

It is undeniable that conservative and right-wing voices were censored on social media, mostly beginning in and around March 2020, just as the plaintiffs argue in their suit. Platforms such as Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and YouTube all made concerted efforts to either outright remove dissenting posts about the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election, or at least to diminish the reach of such posts.

Litigating whether such measures are unconstitutional raises a host of questions, starting with whether platforms such as X or Facebook are solely private sector companies or whether in a highly digital age they have become the de facto public square where censorship is more proscribed. This is not merely an academic concern. The First Amendment protects, in the Supreme Court’s words, a “robust sphere of individual liberty” that allows private actors to make their own decisions about what speech they wish to associate with. Social media companies have been considered private actors under the law and are permitted to moderate user speech and content as they see fit under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

But with social media platforms acting as the present-day town square, it’s no surprise that so many Americans think it unjust that they could be censored for their views. “Modern society is so thoroughly dependent upon social media for communication, news, commerce, education, and entertainment that any restriction of access to it can easily feel like a matter of constitutional significance,” writes legal scholar Mary Anne Franks.

The Murthy v. Missouri suit argues that Section 230 “directly contributed to the rise of a small number of extremely powerful social-media platforms, who have now turned into a ‘censorship cartel.’” In this part of the suit, the case transforms itself into an argument for the overturning of Section 230, which multiple states are considering.

The lawsuit cites numerous examples of censorship that occurred before the Biden administration took office, and claims it was indeed threats from the Biden campaign which coerced social media companies to overly censor. It will be difficult to prove abridgment of free speech on these points, as only a government – not a campaign – is legally bound by the First Amendment.

The plaintiffs cite, “perhaps most notoriously,” the example of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The New York Post ran a story on Oct. 14, 2020, about the computer of then-presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son and the proof it held of corrupt business dealings, but the Post’s Twitter account was blocked until after the election. In fact, no one could share the story (even via Twitter direct message) because, as the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board put it, “nearly all of the media at the time ignored the story or ‘fact-checked’ as false.” The plaintiffs argue the story was censored because social media companies were “parroting the Biden campaign’s false line,” and so treated the story as “disinformation.”

Similar arguments are made about censorship of speech that raised concerns about the security of voting by mail – that the Biden campaign coerced social media companies into censoring such speech because it did not align with their personal interests. Such posts about election fraud spiraled into a narrative that the election was stolen and contributed to the violent Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

In 1783, George Washington warned that if ‘the Freedom of Speech may be taken away,’ then ‘dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.’ Citing this quote, the plaintiffs in Murthy v. Missouri began their quest to unveil the censorship leviathan.

Whether the courts find their evidence compelling enough to reapply the injunction on much of the federal government is the question of the case. The plaintiffs argue that the government has no role at all, insisting that labeling “disfavored speech ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ does not strip it of First Amendment protection. Some false statements are inevitable if there is to be an open and vigorous expression of views.”

Kheriaty echoed the sentiment. “The constitution is very clear that the government’s role is not to distinguish between true and false information or true and false speech,” he said. “The government’s only role is to distinguish between legal and illegal speech.”

Danger is invited in when people are not exposed to a multitude of viewpoints, they say. Perhaps we are all victims of the certain censorship that comes from our personalized social media feeds, in which we are fed only information we want to hear. Each side thinks the other is brainwashed. This has led to real-world harm, and surely will again in the future. Whose job is it to save us from ourselves?

Tyler Durden Fri, 03/22/2024 - 04:15

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SNB Ends the Rate-Cut Drought

This makes it the first developed nation to cut interest rates after the COVID-19 pandemic, the fall of Credit Suisse, the onset of the war in Ukraine,…



This makes it the first developed nation to cut interest rates after the COVID-19 pandemic, the fall of Credit Suisse, the onset of the war in Ukraine, and persistent inflation pressures.

Switzerland’s central bank explained its decision by stating that local inflation will probably remain below 2% for the foreseeable future. Despite this announcement and a drop in inflation, economists believe that the Bank of England (BOE) will not alter its current interest rates.

Norges Bank, the Norwegian central bank, and the US Federal Reserve kept their countries’ respective interest rates unchanged. The latter is, however, expecting three rate cuts in 2024.

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CNBC said that a Reuters poll predicted that the SNB would keep rates at 1.75%. According to this report, Swiss inflation fell to 1.2%, which is below the 2% benchmark, signalling an economy ready for rate cuts.

The SNB expects further annual inflation decreases and predicts average inflation of 1.4% for 2024, 1.2% for 2025, and 1.1% for 2026 should the policy rate remain steady at 1.5% for the entire period.

CNBC cited analysts from Capital Economics, who commented:

We think inflation will come in even lower than the new SNB forecasts imply and remain around the current level of 1.2% before falling to below 1.0% next year. Accordingly, we forecast the SNB to cut rates at the September and December meetings taking the policy rate to 1%, where we think it will remain throughout 2025 and 2026.



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